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Iceland Day 1

Our first morning in Iceland. After the breakfast we packed all our stuff and checked with the Wifi available at the hotel the route to our first destination the “Bridge America Europe”. When we were on the road and had no internet connection we used the offline navigation function from google maps to navigate.

After the “Bridge America Europe” we drove towards Reykjavik because it was on the way to our next Hotel which was near the ferry. There it was not so easy to drive because of the roundabouts with two lanes. After the city it started to get quieter on the road.

On the way we stopped to buy some food for the day and also got some really great cinnamon rolls from a bakery. We stopped many times to take pictures because the landscape was so great and everything was new to us. At the end of the trip the stops for photos were less because you can’t photograph everything. You can’t capture these impressive landscapes on photos that it looks like real life.

We arrived at the “Hotel Hellnar” but we were too early for the check-in so we drove to nearby cliffs and a great Lighthouse. There we took many great photos. After that we drove back to the hotel checked-in and left all our stuff there because we wanted to go down to the beach and so we only took the important stuff with us.

On the way to the beach we stopped by a church (the photo of this church is one of my favorite images of Iceland). Down by the beach we look around and took photos and sat down on one of the big stones near the water. We sat there for a few minutes and went back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel I backuped all photos and video clips and edited a few of them to upload these to social media. Later we noticed that we didn't plan enough before the trip started because we forgot to research about supermarkets and there open hours. We only bought food for today which was almost completely gone. Tomorrow was Saturday but we had to get up at 6:00 AM because our ferry drives at 9:00 AM and we had to drive there about 2 hours. So there haven’t been any time that we were able to buy some food in the morning and after the ferry we were in the Westfjords. There are not so much stores where we could buy something. So we were a little bit nervous if we would find something.

Route of the Day

Picture of me

Philipp Keschl on 27 June 2016