Iceland Day 10
We stayed two days at the Fosshotel Hekla so we didn’t have to pack all our stuff together that morning.
Our first destination was the waterfall Gullfoss which is around 45 minutes away from the hotel. Gullfoss is a really wide waterfall. It looks really nice. Luckily there weren’t so many people when we arrived so I could take a long time exposure. That time there was no problem with the water spots on the lens because we weren’t so close by the water. On the way back to the car a few busses come and so many people come against us. We drove to the Geysir which is near the waterfall. Because this are tourist spots there always stop bus tours and so there were many people. We were able to take good images of the Geysir. Google Now found a great waterfall near the Geysir but we couldn't find it. So we drove to another one which was also a recommendation from Google Now. This waterfall was called Faxi. We were the only one who were there so we had time to take pictures. When you are not at an tourist spot you are often alone.

We forgot our food in the hotel room so we drove back to get it. The next spot on the schedule was the waterfall Haifoss. We drove around 1 hour there (60 km). Unfortunately we had to give up around 5 km before we would have arrived our destination because the road there had big rocks in it and our car wasn’t very high. We didn't want to destroy the car so we turned around and searched the last waterfall called Hjalparfoss which was on the way but we couldn't see it. We hoped that we find it. Thanks to Google Maps we found it because it was hidden in a small valley and we couldn't see it from the road. There were only a few people so I got my camera and started shooting. I got out my favorite lens the Nikon 50mm 1.8 Ai-S. Because this is a complete manual lens and I’m not so fast focusing manual I needed a little time for the pictures. But it was really nice and there were no other people so it didn’t matter because I didn’t disturb anyone who also wanted to take pictures. On the way back to the hotel we stopped at a viewpoint at a small hill. From the top we had a really nice view to take pictures. Also there were little flowers which were everywhere on the island. With my Tamron 15-30mm I could go really close to the subject so I could fill the frame with the flowers. Back at the hotel we looked on the Internet what we could eat. We found an KFC in Selfoss. I have never been to a KFC but I always wanted to go to one. The food was good as expected. We got a Skyr from an supermarket and drove back to the hotel.
That day we saw many great things and took many great images but I liked the quieter places more in Iceland than the overflowed tourist spots.