Welcome to my Blog
In this blog I will write about photography for example about my gear, travels to other countries, a shooting or an event.
But who am I.
I´m Philipp Keschl. I was born in 1994, I'm a passionate photographer and I love photography gear. In this blog I will write about that because it's so much fun and a really important piece of my life. I want to transmit my knowledge in this area to help other people. I will write about my photo tours or single photos that I can tell the story behind the pictures.
Because the website is complete self developed I will also write an article when I update it to describe the new features and improvements. I know that currently (June 2016) a few things are missing such as comments or likes but I work on that and I hope that I can add this soon to the page.
That’s it for now.
If you want to know more about me you can look on my about page.